» Our Every Day Actions

Our Every Day Actions

  1. Charitable donations- All the proceeds from the hotel go to meeting the daily expenses of 450 monks at Gangtey Bhuddist Institute.
  2. We separate our trash, use recycling programs for glass, plastic and cardboard, and we use the minimum number possible of truck pick-ups per week.
  3. Recycling food waste- The uneaten portions of meals and waste from food preparation are segregated and then given to feed stray dogs , goats, bulls and cows at Jangsa Animal Saving Sanctuary (for more information visit www.animalsaving.org)
  4. We Offer towel & linen reuse program .Re-use towels on guest request.
  5. Training maintenance staff on conservation and energy procedures
  6. Tracking generation of solid waste on a monthly basis.
  7. Daily monitoring of water/gas/electricity consumption to aid reducing consumption levels and Tracking energy and water consumption on a monthly basis.
  8. Giving preferential treatment to vendors/suppliers who offer recycled products
  9. Recycling program in administrative areas. Provide environmental awareness and training as part of the induction program.
  10. Recycling program in guest rooms-Provide newspapers on request to avoid wastage and recycle any spares.
  11. Encourage car share. Co-ordinate in advance staff taxi journeys and pick ups to minimize number of taxi journeys
  12. Encourage local transport and provide information on their facilities to our guest, staff, suppliers and associates.
  13. Re-use of furniture and fittings after our refurbishments by donating to local monasteries and nunneries.
  14. Provide information on walks, day hikes, wildlife and parks for our guests
  15. Provide cycle hire and Work closely with cycle clubs.
  16. We purchase as much of our food as possible from local farmers ,which results in short distances traveled for many of our deliveries.

Hotel Pedling
P.O Box : 976, Thimphu Bhutan
Tel : +975-2-325714
Fax : + 975-2-323592
E-mail : [email protected] / [email protected]